This website provides comprehensive technical information on “Solar Turbines” and “Pratt & Whitney FT8” turbines.

You’ll find a range of content options, including Free Content, Subscription Content, and Training Courses.

We have curated around 250 articles and videos that cover various aspects of training, troubleshooting, and maintenance.

These resources have been meticulously assembled by me over the course of several years.


Download the site content index. Press the download button and you will have the index withing three seconds. No registering, no email, no credit card.

Database of 250 articles and videos on Solar Turbines and Pratt and Whitney FT8. Take a look at the index of the aricles to see if the contents is of interest to you. This is a once-off subscription payment. 

There is an FT8 Training Course available which is suitable for maintenance and operations personnel. This is a general but comprehensive video training course which is over five hours. Included is testing and certification of the training.

Three are various training modules also available from my Store. Click on the Store tab to see what is available.

The subscriptions and course purchase can make using credit card or PayPal at my Store (On my home page). Once the payment is made I will register you and give you access. If you prefer contact me first and we can discuss any questions you have.



I offer a free weekly technical article / video on the FT8 / Solar. To participate use the “Contact me” tag on the Home Page and let me know you would like the weekly article. I will send you a link to complete the regristration information.